5 Ways to Stay Active If You Have a Desk Job

Sit at a desk all day? Here are some ways to stay active if you have a desk job. It's possible to keep fit, even if you're in the office most of the time!

5 Ways to Stay Active Even If You Have a Desk Job

Keeping in shape may seem hard if you have a office job where you are required to work at a desk all day. However, there are clever little ways to sneak some movement into your workday, and that's what we'll be talking about in this post:

1. Walk to Work

One way to stay active if you have a desk job is by trying to involve more walking in your commute. Obviously this depends on how far away you live from your workplace. If you can, you may decide to walk or bike to work to get some exercise early in the day. It's a great way to optimize that section of time, and you'll feel good about yourself for staying active. Even if you live far away from your workplace, you may be able to take a bus instead of the car - then walk the rest of the way. This might even save you some money!

2. Take Breaks and Move Around the Office

To stay active throughout the day, you should get up from your desk every hour or so, and move around. Sitting at your desk all day isn't good for your health and will likely make you feel lethargic. Get your muscles going and your blood flowing by walking around the room for about 5 minutes. I find that when I take regular breaks from working at my desk for a long time it helps me feel refreshed, re-motivated and energised when it's time to resume the work. 

Use A Calcore Professional Fitness Ball

Use of the Calcore professional fitness ball is rapidly becoming the norm in many offices. This fitness ball helps you exercise, building your core strength without leaving your desk. 

The Calcore professional fitness ball also makes you make hundreds of micro-movements each hour helping you burn calories and achieve weight loss.

Studies have shown that it helps you improve your strenghth and core muscles.

The beauty of using this fitness ball is that the Calcore model is easily adjustable to fit most table or desk heights, ensuring you work at a comfortable height for you. 

Amazon.com has a large choice of these work suitable fitness balls.

3. Go out for Lunch.

Another great way to stay active at your desk job is to take the opportunity to get some fresh air during your lunch break. Avoid eating at your desk and trying to work at the same time. Give yourself a chance to get out of the office and really enjoy your food.

You could take a stroll to a nearby cafe, or you could take your home-packed lunch and eat it on a park bench a few blocks away. This might turn out to be a highlight of your day and something you can look forward to. You may even be able to meet up with a friend for lunch, and human interaction is always better than sitting in front of a computer for hours!

4. Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs is a good way to stay active in the workplace. Yes, taking the elevator might seem much more inviting than going up a flight of stairs, but at the end of the day, taking the stairs will be better for you and help you keep fit. Climbing the stairs a couple of times a day will feel just like doing a cardio workout. And guess what? You'll get stronger, more-toned legs for that extra effort.

5. Stretch Frequently

You can even stay active at your desk by stretching frequently. For example, you could stretch out both arms above your head or circle your ankles underneath the desk every now and then. If you think about it, it doesn't actually take much to get moving some way even if you work at a desk all day. Other excellent desk-stretches include rolling your head from side to side and rolling your shoulders in a semi-circular motion. Stretching is a wonderful way to get rid of any discomfort and release a bit of stress. And you don't even have to leave your seat. 

Thanks for reading! What are your tips for staying active if you have a desk job? Comment below!

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