Don't Underestimate the Power of Preparation 

Behind every success story is a tale that hints at the power of preparation. Let's talk about how exactly preparation gives a person the slight edge needed to reach their goals.

The Power of Preparation

You've probably heard all the buzz phrases surrounding the concept of preparation. 


Preparation is the key to success. 

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. 


But have you personally experienced the outcome of preparation? You don't know unless you know. As I've come to realise in the last few weeks, preparation really is the key to success. It plays a bigger role than you might imagine.


Preparation is an enabler. The task ahead of you might seem big and scary, but preparation manages to dwarf it somehow. 

The results that come from a well-prepared effort are impressive. This applies to almost anything in life: you can always tell the difference between someone who has prepared and someone who hasn't.

One of the best reasons for preparation is that it takes the pressure off. Preparation means that you don't have to be perfect, because your preparation can make up for anything you lack in natural ability. All you have to do is put some thought into your act beforehand, and just like that - you're setting yourself up for success. Everything will look put together, but it didn't just happen on the spot. You did your homework.

It's easy to look at people who are doing something amazing, whether it's public speaking, working hard on multiple projects, etc. and look at them, half wondering if they are human like us. We often attribute their success to natural ability or something like that. While this may be partially true, preparation is often a large part of their success. Preparation tends to produce results that appear seamless and polished, almost effortless. But behind the scenes always reveals something else...

The leading edge such individuals have is all down to preparation. Preparation enhances any skills you already have. Even for successful people, it didn't just happen. They invested time, thought it through carefully and planned. They did their homework.

Sometimes you can do a really good job on the spot. But when you create time to prepare and really craft out your act, the results are astronomical. For instance, preparation with public speaking helps you to ask yourself questions like: 

  • Who is my audience?
  • What examples and experiences can I give that will resonate with my audience?
  • What will really make an impact?

The same idea carries with whatever other type of project you might be working on. Another example is preparing for an interview. Putting in that extra effort to learn about the company's history, values and the way they operate is always worth it. Besides making you a really impressive candidate, it gives you a bit of confidence going into the interview.

Yes, preparation gives you a competitive edge, so if you have time to prepare, please do. 

Preparation can be quite fun. It allows you to visualise  what you want to achieve, and see all the little components that need to be put together to create that finished piece. Piece by piece, you break down a daunting task.

Preparation comes in two stages: mental preparation and physical preparation. Mentally preparing yourself for goals that you're working towards is so important, because it empowers you and makes way for the physical preparation.

You mentally prepare by making yourself aware of the challenges you might encounter and thinking about how you can overcome them. Then comes the physical preparation. Physical preparation is making arrangements, schedules, phone calls, scripts and acquiring the materials needed to do the job.

The combination of mental and physical preparation is really powerful, because by the time challenges arise, you've already anticipated them and are equipped to deal with them. You're ready for all of it. 

If you want to be successful, then there's really no excuse for not adopting a long-range view and putting in the preparation. If there's one thought you take away from this post, let it be this one, which I mentioned earlier:

Sometimes you can do a really good job on the spot. But when you create time to prepare and really craft out your act, the results are astronomical.

Thanks for reading! 

Have you ever experienced the power of preparation? Comment below!

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