We often learn things about life that we wish we could go back and tell our younger selves. Here's what I wish I knew about fate and destiny.
I watched an interview where actor Timothée Chalamet was asked about his views on fate and destiny, and he said:
"You can be the master of your fate, you can be the captain of your soul - but you have to realize that life is coming from you, not at you...and that takes time."
I have watched the clip multiple times because I find it inspirational and so simple yet profound in its truth.
The terms fate and destiny imply that someone else is in control of your life, that you simply have the submit to the will of whatever external forces impact you life, for better or for worse.
But this quote is a remind that we all have the ability to shape our fate and our destiny, that we are much more in control that we might realize.
Life is coming from you, not at you.
What exactly is coming from you?
Your thoughts, your actions, the way you view your life, and your view of your capacity to influence your life events.
Granted there are some things we cannot control in life. We cannot choose our parents, the social class we were born into, the cards we were dealt at a young age.
In addition, life is full of surprises, and unexpected events that are beyond our control.
However, we can choose to play the hands we were cards to the best of our ability, to play them as if they were the hands we chose.
It takes time to realize this.
It takes time to fully let it sink it and realize the way the things you can control can start a chain reaction to create opportunities and outcomes greater than you could ever imagine.
It takes time to realize that in each and every situation, you always have a choice, and your choices ultimately create your destiny.
It takes time, but when you realize it and use this knowledge to your advantage, it will absolutely change your life.
Another thing I've learned about fate and destiny is that there are certain themes that will recurringly appear in your life.
It might be a childhood obession that later ends up shaping your career path as an adult, or a hobby you come back to that had roots in your youth.
We often think of our actions in life as isolated events, but many times they aren't.
Events and actions in our life are often linked to previous events and actions, and we might not notice it until we dig deeper.
Certain fascinations follow us through our life and take shape in various forms as we grow older and gain more exposure to the world.
Life becomes very interesting when you begin to connect the dots.
It can leave you in awe when you gain awareness of certain strong desires or undercurrents in your life that have been bubbling away for years unnoticed, growing and morphing in your subconscious.
This last point is something we sometimes have to learn the hard way.
Change in the only constant in life, and when it's time for you to change something in your life, the universe will gently nudge you in that direction.
You may try to ignore it, but you won't be able to ignore it for long, because if you do not proactively embrace change, change will be forced upon you whether you like it or not.
Ultimately, this is a good thing, because it leads us to exactly where we need to be at every point in our lives.
But it's better not to be caught completely off guard, it's better to be aware of the signs that things are changing around you, and to be open to embracing the change.
The signs are always there, and you will notice them if you are paying attention.
Maybe it's time for a career change, or time to end a relationship that is truly not good for your wellbeing.
The universe whispers...until it screams.
At that point, there is no running or hiding.
But rest assured - after all the chaos, you will free from the dead weight that was dragging you down. You will be reborn and ready to accept better things that are just around the corner, waiting for you.
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Feb 03, 25 01:14 PM
Feb 01, 25 10:03 PM
Jan 29, 25 05:47 PM
Your second block of text...