Best of 2016 | Looking Back on The Past Year

The year is almost over, and that means it is time to look back at 2016. Here are reflections and highlights of the past year...The Best of 2016.

Best of 2016 | Looking Back on The Past Year

Here we are, at the end of 2016!

Can you believe it?!

It seems like yesterday that I was writing a review of 2015. But we are indeed approaching 2017 very quickly, and so it seems a good time to reflect on all the interesting things that happened in 2016.

Below are some important lessons I learned in 2016, as well as my thoughts going into the new year. 

Key Lessons of 2016

1. I'm happy for all the instances I didn't get want I wanted the first time, they taught me to never give up.

This is a big lesson that I learned in 2016. There are many things I really wanted that didn't happen straight away. But looking back, I am so grateful for the way everything turned out. After all, would I have really  appreciated the results if I didn't have to work hard and exercise some patience first? Probably not.

I found that having to be patient and try try again helped me build resilience this year, and I'm really happy for that. It makes me even more optimistic about the future, because I know not to feel dejected if things don't seem to work out straight away. I feel empowered to deal with disappointment but at the same time really appreciate everything  I am able to work towards. 

2. Update on my goal to read 12 books in 2016: I feel so enriched!!

So the next point is not really a 'lesson' I learned in 2016, but more of a goal that I set at the beginning of the year that I was able to achieve. In my blog post about new year resolution ideas, I talked about how cool it would be to set a goal of reading one book each month or 12 books in a year. I can happily say that I was able to do this myself, and even exceed my goal. This year I was able to read 14 books. 

I chose books that were very varied, some were books about personal development and productivity and others were fiction books. 

I can honestly say that achieving this goal has made this year feel like none before. Reading and setting this deliberate goal has opened my eyes up to so many things! I have learned so much, and I have even managed to apply a lot of the stuff I read to my benefit. 

Reading is such a wonderful hobby. If you want to grow in some particular aspect of your life like never before; read, read and read. Write down a list of books you've always wanted to read and try to get through that list in 2017. I have a very busy schedule, but including time for reading was nowhere as hard as I thought it would be. Even though I had a month, I found that I was able to read most of my books within 5 - 10 days.

3. Opportunities are everywhere. Take advantage!!

Another lesson that really stuck me this year was discovering how opportunities are literally everywhere. What I realised is that if you want to do something big with your life and you pay attention to your surroundings, you will find opportunities to grow and teach yourself whatever skill you were looking to develop.

It's not totally as easy as it sounds. You do have to take the initiative by paying attention. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can create your own opportunities simply by staying awake and being insightful. You can take an average-looking situation that comes your way, and turn it into a brilliant opportunity by being smart and seeing far into the future.

A great opportunity might not be so obvious at first. But it is up to you to see how it may benefit yourself and others in the long run. You've got to keep your eyes open and be willing to explore a bit. 

Quote of The Year: 

I do love a good quote. Here is a quote that really resonated with me this year. I find it so motivational and I love how it encourages letting go of fear and living the life you really love.

This quote is powerful because it highlights a basic truth: You can fail at what you don't want. Many do things they don't really want because they think it is the easiest or most socially accepted option. But the truth is that such a life may not be as simple or easy as you think. The best option is always to stay true to yourself and work hard to do what you love. Nothing is guaranteed. 

If nothing is guaranteed, and you could just as equally fail at what you don't want, then why not put the effort in going for what you do actually want? It makes complete sense to me. 

Anyway, the point I get from this quote is never be scared to work towards your dreams because they seem impossible. Everything is impossible until someone does it. 

Last Words of the Year...

So my friends, thanks to all of you who followed my journey and blog in 2016. I look forward to all the adventures and untold surprises 2017 will bring.

Like I said in last year's review post, "Let no man, including yourself - hold you back from the wonderful things that could be."

I hope you find everything you are looking for in 2017. 

Best Wishes, 

Roli Edema.

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